

Three years ago, we gathered in Lositeti, a village in the far reaches of the Makiba Ward in the Arumeru district of Tanzania. As we finish the tour of the school, Gilbert, a local Rotarian, becomes emotional. He says he is not certain how this kind of poverty exists in Northern Tanzania. Truthfully, [...]


Dickson’s grandmother won the lottery. She was the recipient of a residential rainwater harvesting system on her home. She lives in Maji Ya Chai, a village riddled with fluoride issues in the groundwater. Rainwater harvesting is the only way to get safe drinking water. Her life had been filled with hardship. She buried [...]

Happy 13th Birthday Save the Rain

Gratitude is at the forefront of our minds lately. Not just because of the holiday season but because it’s felt like a year filled with crisis. Hurricanes, fire, violence – so much loss demands that we take stock. Crisis is an interesting word. It is derived from the Greek word meaning decision. Its [...]

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