In December, we will celebrate 20 years of Save the Rain. There is an exquisite clarity that comes with two decades of working with water.
With 20 years to look back on, we are able to see everything we need to move forward into the next 20 years. In fact – combining this hindsight and foresight makes for the perfect 20/20 vision.
So, what is our vision for this momentous occasion? We’ve set our sights on our most ambitious goal yet: our women will build 1,500 domestic rainwater harvesting tanks this year. They will bring safe, clean water home to 1,500 families currently living in scarcity.
Why this number? We’ve been hard at work making the pipeline that channels donations as frictionless as possible. We’ve automated our supply chain – so if there are funds, they turn into tanks. It’s as simple as that. And when that flow is instigated, we are as unstoppable as water.
When our women work, they build strength and power… they build love and community. They build bridges to abundance. Each tank means a whole family need never want for water again. Each greenhouse feeds the future. The transformation ripples further with every drop of rain.
Each month, we’ll be sharing the ways water changes lives, along with an update on how much closer we are to our goal. It costs just $500 to build one of these tanks. If you’d like to help us along our way, hit the button below. We are so grateful to have you on this journey.
Join us in turning rain into resilience—donate today and be a part of this life-changing journey.